Beautiful night in #PirateNation #7thGradeWins

Change of location for fresh produce pick up on Saturday! The new location will be in front of the Elementary school! Thank you!

If you have not had a chance to do so, please fill out the survey below regarding internet access at home. #GHS https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcixlWH9Nro4bfxHYdD6Hn_S6Qy73wm2wMA0PROBfWxuwnLA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Please help your child get in the HABIT of checking their school provided emails every day.
SCHOOL START FORMS: DUE ASAP, teachers are reaching out to let you know if we're missing anything, paper versions available on request.
K-2 STUDENTS have to be assessed 3 times/year. We are using I-Station and are currently assessing these grades. This first window closes on Sept.30 and all K-2 students have to complete their tests. Please contact Mrs. Johnson at dparson@greenlandsd.com with times and questions.

Good Morning #GES Family! General reminders for our building.
Don't forget to screen your child(ren) every morning. If they feel sick or have fever, PLEASE KEEP THEM AT HOME.
Flu Clinic Oct.7th, flu shots will be extra important this year!

#GES - Ahoy Pirates! This is just a reminder that K-2 students have to be assessed 3 times/year. We are using Istation and are currently assessing these grades. This first window closes on Sept. 30 and all K-2 students have to complete their tests. Thanks for help!


Just a reminder. Our Essentials Outreach will be this Saturday the 19th. If you have a need we would love to help! #ALLmeansALL

A Huge thank you going out to one of our STAKEHOLDERS in our community!!!! Just received 24 wireless mics. #ALLmeansALL, #HoistTheColors, #PirateNation, #Gr8day2BaPirate

200 vouchers for Friday night’s game at Berryville are available now! You must have a voucher to purchase a ticket at Bobcat Stadium. Please call or stop by the High School office if you’re interested!

Shoutout to Lewis Ford! A special surprise package arrived for GMS. So thankful for our community partners. #WeAreGMS! #WeDoCommunity

Please swing by the Dee Lee Gym Saturday, September 19th from 10-12 for fresh free produce. It will be delivered to you curbside. Please see flyer for more information.

Dayton Brooks
Farm Bureau
Player of the Week

Please click the link below and answer our survey regarding internet access at home.

Please help us complete the school start forms. Let’s finish this week! We will begin calling soon if you have not completed. https://www.greenlandsd.com/page/school-start-forms #AllMeansAll

Looking for substitutes!!! Immediate need! Paying $85/$90 a day. If you’re interested please email amartin@greenlandsd.com today!

This week’s football game at home features the 7th grade and Jr High Pirates as they host Berryville. Purchase a ticket online here!
Gates open at 5:00. Games at 5:30/7:00 🏈

Our Greenland Middle School Community Service Class is hard at work recycling, filling snack packs, and planning projects. They have designed a makeover for our school front and are looking for some items. 20 bags of mulch, 3 large mums, and 6 pumpkins. If you would like to help out, please email Mrs. Taylor or Mrs. Cheevers. Ataylor@greenlandsd.com, hcheevers@greenlandsd.com
Thanks!! #WeAreGMS! #WeDoCommunity

Danville vs Greenland tonight!!!
You can watch it live here https://www.arkwest.com/Live.html

Never Forget ❤️🤍💙