The GMS Creative Writing class wrote their own stories and, today, shared them with 3rd and 4th graders. #PiratesLeadingPirates #WeAreCommunity

If you ordered a yearbook, a Google Form will be sent to your child’s school provided email to help us organize distribution. Forget to preorder? More info to come!

Please enjoy the latest edition of the GHS Newsletter!!! #GHS

Your child can show off their scientific side to Dan Skoff via zoom. She’s 6-15

Greenland High School Blood Drive. Oct. 1st, 10 AM-4PM. Mask required. See you there baabbyy!!!

Reminder, check out the Pirate Gear! Orders will be open until October 16th.
#PirateNation #WeHaveSpirit

Picture Dates! More info will come in the following days.

#PirateNation we need your help!!Please go to arkansas.scorebooklive.com and place your vote for player of the week. Let’s go Jett Dennis. We can do this baaabbyyyy!!!

GM ,GES families,daily reminders: Temperatures & Symptoms check; Masks that fit snugly over mouth & nose; water bottle; charge electronic devices, bring charger to school; do I eat breakfast at school; and finally check emails daily!

Wishing all our families a safe and happy Fall!

Greenland will use the following procedures in an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus within our staff and student body. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this effort. Together we can help keep our Pirate family safe, healthy, and ready to learn during this unique time.
Due to HIPAA Laws, the District will not release any name(s) of a positive COVID-19 student(s) or staff member(s).
The District will continue to follow the ADH and CDC guidelines to provide a safe and sanitized environment daily. We are being proactive in taking precautionary measures to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19.
We are asking all parents/guardians, of students who will be onsite, and all employees to notify our designated Point of Contact (479-225-6341) immediately when the following occurs:
*Someone in the household has tested positive for COVID-19
*Someone in the household has been identified as a Close Contact to a positive case and is required to be quarantined or tested
*Students or Staff who are being tested (until results are provided)
The District Point of Contact (POC) will notify the Arkansas Department of Health and will follow all state and national directives for quarantine. The Point of Contact will call parents or employees and compile a list of Probable Close Contacts to the positive case. The POC will share this information with the Arkansas Department of Health and the ADH Contact Tracer will then call you.
The District Point of Contact will notify Probable Close Contacts to self-quarantine immediately for 14 days from the last date of contact with the positive case. The Arkansas Department of Health will then call you to confirm your status of a “close contact”
If you are identified as a Close Contact or have a positive COVID-19 test result, you will be required to provide a release letter from the Arkansas Department of Health before you return to campus.
Point of Contact – The District Point of Contact (POC) is a district employee who serves as the liaison between the district and the ADH to contact the School Hotline when notified of a district-related positive case and work with school personnel to initiate the identification of Probable Close Contacts (PCC).
Probable Close Contact – District identified individuals that have likely been within 6 feet for 15 cumulative minutes or longer within a 24-hour period to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, regardless of the use of a face covering. This person(s) will be expected to self-quarantine immediately for 14 days from the last date of contact with the positive case and await their Close Contact status to be confirmed by ADH Contact Tracing. A quick response to identify and quarantine will slow the possible transmission of the virus.
Close Contact – An individual confirmed by ADH Contact Tracing who was within 6 feet for 15 cumulative minutes or longer within a 24-hour period a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 during the infectious period, regardless of face covering. The Close Contact will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days from the last date of contact with the infected person. It is highly recommended that all close contacts get tested for COVID-19, but individuals must complete the 14 days of quarantine even when the results are negative. They will be in contact with ADH for the duration of the quarantine period.

Tickets for Friday night's game and reserved street parking for home fans only available here, limited capacity! Go PIrates!

Tickets for this Friday night's football game on sale at the following link:
Go Pirates!

There appears to be some issues with our phone lines this morning. Please use 479-521-2366 if you need to call the school. Thank you.

Good morning GSD parents, just a simple reminder: Please check this out!!
According to Arkansas Law (ACA 27-51-1609), a driver of a motor vehicle shall not use a handheld wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle when passing a school building or school zone during school hours when children are present. If caught using a phone while vehicle is moving, action may take place. NO CELL PHONE USE IN CAR RIDER LINE.
Have a Great Day!!!

Hey Middle School Pirates, Reminder to charge your chromebooks. Remember to bring your chromebook, charger, and water bottle every day. See you tomorrow! #WeAreGMS!

You know what today is?! That’s right! How can the Pirate Nation not celebrate today! Comment below in your best “Talk like a Pirate” day talk!!! Enjoy the beautiful weekend! Thankful for all our Pirate family!

Go Pirates!!!! GHS @ Berryville!!!

Check out the awesome Greenland Pirate gear! Oak and Ozark created a store just for us and ordering is super easy! Also, the product ships directly to you! This Greenland Schools specific link will be open now until October 16th. https://oakandozark.com/collections/greenland-middle