Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers! CTE empowers students for effective participation in a global economy as world-class contributors and citizens.
Career Technical Education Programs of Study Offered:
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster
Career Pathways
Agriculture Power, Structural & Technology
Animal Systems
Plant Systems
Business Management & Administration Cluster
Career Pathway
Education & Training Cluster
Career Pathway
Finance Cluster
Career Pathway
Business Finance
Information Technology Cluster
Career Pathway
Computer Science
Human Services Cluster
Career Pathway
Family & Community Services-Human & Social Services
Secondary Career Center-Concurrent Credit
Secondary Career Centers provide junior and senior students with opportunities to participate in concurrent credit career and technical education programs. These programs are offered by Northwest Arkansas Community College (NWACC) and Northwest Technical Institute (NWTI).
Depending on the program, students have the opportunity to earn certifications, diplomas, and concurrent credits. These programs are provided at no cost to high school students, including books, tuition, and associated fees.
*Both NWACC and NWTI Secondary Career Center programs have entrance requirements.
*Please email Mrs. Larkan at mlarkan@greenlandsd.com for entrance requirements before starting the application process for NWACC or NWTI.
Automation and Robotics
Construction Technology
Culinary Arts
Dental Assisting
Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Ammonia Refrigeration
Automotive Service Technology
Diesel and Truck Technology
Industrial Maintenance
CTE Spotlight